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Grim After Dark | The Best in Warhammer 40K Late Night

Jul 27, 2018

Cheating in 40k has been a hot button issue, and Mob Rules chooses to talk about ways to guarantee a fun game, and minimize a negative gaming atmosphere. 

Danny challenges Dave and Jon to make a thousand point list with a secret "ingredient".  Is it a rip off of The Iron Chef? Probably, but Danny, Jon and Dave come up...

Jul 22, 2018

It's an extra special minisode as Danny, Dave and Jon talk about the new Games Workshop game, Kill Team!

Jul 13, 2018

Do you have some Q's? Because the guys have some A's.  Danny and Dave answer some burning 40k questions like "Can Space Marines Swim" and if a Paulius Blart, Mall Custode would be a successful movie franchise.

If thats not enough, we look at some of the Kill Team previews as the boys prepare to go hard into the game...