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Grim After Dark | The Best in Warhammer 40K Late Night

May 29, 2021

Danny and Jon are back to wax lyrically over 2020's GT packet, and talk about the excessive salt around the internet for 40k

May 17, 2021

Danny and Jon are back! Did the guys deliver on their promises from the RTT they both attended? A full rundown of the event is here, down to point zero three precision.

If thats not enough, Taylor returns for TayLore, where we talk about Ephrael Stern - Heretic Saint. Just have more faith, it'll be fine.

May 1, 2021

Jon is joined by fellow Rogue Trader Networker Seth Oster to talk to Frontlines Kicker Kalozdi about the slew of major events Frontline has coming over the next 12 months. Danny and Jon share their lists for an upcoming RTT and share their game plans and the boys wax lyrically about cheating in 40k.