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Grim After Dark | The Best in Warhammer 40K Late Night

Dec 29, 2017

Have you ever been in the middle of the Christmas Carol and realized that this is really just the story of burgeoning primarch making their way in the world without their father's guidance during the Christmas season?  Me neither, that would be weird.  But just in case you have we have a treat for you!  Three Christmas...

Dec 15, 2017

Do you like people who like sandwiches?  Do you like people who like dead sandwiches?  Do you like people that like dead sandwiches that have feelings and talk to you about when your mom used to make her pancakes?  If so then this podcast is for you!  Eldar: Warhammer 40K's sandwich eating elves are on a quest to talk...

Dec 1, 2017

What do 80's action heroes and Imperial Hives Cities have in common?  That is for you to decide.  See how nice we are?  You are empowered now to write your own answers.  We trust you.

This episode we delve into what it is like to live in a Hive city, the ins the outs and the unfortunate who gets turned into a toaster...

Nov 17, 2017

Who has time to read when social media needs to be updated 18 times a day, the kids need to be walked, the dog needs to do homework and the Raiders in the wasteland need to be murderized?  For those of us who wish they had the time but don't, the Mob Rules crew brings you the Carrion Throne in it it's entire glory, each...

Nov 3, 2017

What do tiger stripes, quartered paint schemes and hands with glory holes have in common?  No, it was not that Volkswagen Beetle you had in college.  No, it was not the 1980's.... okay, maybe it kinda was the 1980's.  The answer I was looking for was 'The Badab Wars."  There is a lot of lore packed into this...